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01228: Enterprise Manager Unable to Connect to BBjServices on Port 2002


Enterprise Manager Unable to Connect to BBjServices on Port 2002


The following may be reported by Enterprise Manager if it cannot connect to the Admin server (2002): 

“Connection Failed. The server may not be running” 


This connection failure can occur if another application is running on port 2002. To test if this is the case, turn BBjServices off. Attempt to telnet to the server on port 2002: 

telnet server_name_here 2002 

If the connection works, another application is running on port 2002. 

LogMein is one third party application known to run on this port. 

The registry entry for LogMein can be modified to make it run on a different, unused, port: 
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > LogMeIn > V5 > Net, Change ”ListenPort”

Last Modified: 03/15/2012 Product: BBj Operating System: N/A

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