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01227: BASIS auto registration process cannot connect to BASIS to get a new license.


BASIS auto registration process cannot connect to BASIS to get a new license.


The BASIS License Manager has a feature that will automatically connect to BASIS and re-register your license when one of the features in the license is about to expire. 

When the BASIS License Manager cannot successful reach out to ‘license.poweredbybbj.com” on outbound port 80 this process will fail and can cause the BLM to shutdown. 


Have your system administrator allow the BASIS License Manager access to outbound license.poweredbybbj.com 80 to retrieve a new license.

It is also a good idea to update to the most recent BLM available from our website.

If you have a proxy server see the BASIS Online documentation on License Types to find a sample wget script that will allow the BLM to retrieve a license.

For more details click here.

Last Modified: 04/26/2022 Product: All Operating System: N/A

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