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01201: Drag-and-Drop Not Allowed Between Two Different Applications in Vista


Drag-and-Drop Not Allowed Between Two Different Applications in Vista


Windows Vista is running with User Account Control (UAC) enabled, and attempting to drag an object between an outside application and BBj causes the “unavailable” cursor to appear. This behavior will occur if the privileges are different between BBj and the other application. Either BBj is running with standard privileges and the other application is running elevated or BBj is running in privileged mode and the other application is running in standard mode.


Either run BBj and the other application at the same privilege level or turn off UAC in Vista. 

Changing Privilege Level: 

If BBj is running in privileged mode, in order to drop data from another application into a BBj application, that application must be run elevated. To run a program elevated, right-click its program icon from the Start menu, and select “Run As Administrator”. 

If the other application is running elevated, then BBj Services needs to restarted with “Adminstrator Privileges”: 

        1. Launch Admin, by selecting Start->All Programs->Basis->BBj->Admin. 
        2. When the “User Account Control” dialog pops up, click “Allow”. 
        3. Check the “Basis UAC Configuration Wizard” checkbox and the “Start/Stop the BBj Services Wizard” checkbox. 
        4. Click the “Next” button. 
        5. Choose the “Require Elevation to Administrator Privileges” radio button. Now, every time a BBj program runs, the User Account Control dialog will display, waiting for confirmation from the user. 
        6. Click the “Next” button. It may take a moment for Admin to go to the next dialog. 
        7. Choose the “Restart BBj Services” radio button. 
        8. Press the “Next” Button. 
        9. Press the “Finish” button. 

Turning off UAC on Vista: 

This configuration is not typically recommended because programs can run with full access to the machine without the user’s knowledge. However, drag-and-drop will be permitted between BBj applications and other applications, regardless of how BBj or the other application would be running if UAC were turned on. 

        1. Under the “Start” menu, choose “Control Panel”. 
        2. Under “Control Panel”, choose “User Accounts”. 
        3. In the User Accounts dialog, click on “Turn User Account Control On or Off.” 
        4. In the “Turn User Account Control On or Off” window that appears, uncheck the “Use User Account Control (UAC) to help protect your computer” checkbox. 
        5. Click OK. 
        6. Restart the computer so changes can take effect. 

Last Modified: 04/27/2009 Product: BBj Operating System: Windows Vista

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