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01060: Using ResBuilder to build graphical screens isn’t displaying the Properties page for forms and controls within ResBuilder


Using ResBuilder to build graphical screens isn’t displaying the Properties page for forms and controls within ResBuilder


This problem may appear seemingly without reason while using ResBuilder to create GUI Windows. 

This problem may be caused by the following: 
1. The View menu doesn’t have Properties selected 
2. The Properties window was accidentally moved out of the ResBuilder viewing area too far to retrieve. 
3. Changing the display resolution on the machine causes a resize which pushes the properties out of the ResBuilder viewing area. 


To correct the problem: 
1. There are four (4) items In the ResBuilder VIEW menu: 

Toolbar, Status Bar, Properties, and Tree View. 

Ensure there is a check mark next to the ‘Properties’ menu item. If there is not one, select it and then close the current Resbuilder and restart it. Once you open a form, the Properties page should display. 

2 and 3 will take a modification to the Registry. 

Edit the registry and remove the ResBuilder key completely, close regedit and then run ResBuilder. The registry key will be recreated using system defaults. 

Under Windows 2000 SP 4.0 the ResBuilder registry key is located under: 

My Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\BASIS\ResBuilder\ 

The registy key will be similar for other versions of Windows. 

Last Modified: 07/19/2004 Product: ResBuilder

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