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00839: Unloading BASIS.nlm causes error


Unloading BASIS.nlm causes error


Unloading BASIS.nlm causes ‘short memory allocation’ or ‘module did not release resource’ error 

There is a known issue with FLEXlm in which the BASIS.NLM does not properly release all the file handles when the basis.nlm is unloaded. 

This error will be seen on NOVELL 3.12, 3.2, 4.xx. 
Novell 5.0 does a better job of handling this error and will not display the error like previous Novell releases do. 

Under Novell 5.0+ the error returned will be 
“the module did not release resources or short memory allocation error.” 

Since this is a problem between Globetrotter and Novell there is nothing BASIS can do to correct the problem. The only option we can suggest is to upgrade the CLIB to the most current version from Novell.


On Novell 3.12, 3.2, and 4.xx upgrading the CLIB library may help eliminate these errors. 

It is available from Novell’s Web site at(correct as of 16 March 2000): 

Last Modified: 06/29/2001 Product: Visual PRO/5 Operating System: Novell

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