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00822: ORA-12154 error trying to SQLOPEN an Oracle Datasource from Visual PRO/5


ORA-12154 error trying to SQLOPEN an Oracle Datasource from Visual PRO/5


The data source can be seen by PRINT SQLLIST(0), but SQLOPEN() returns an error=12, tcb(10)=13. 
To obtain the SQLERR after the SQLOPEN fails: 
        PRINT SQLERR(0) 

The complete error message is: 

Connection to Oracle failed [Oracle] [ODBC] [Ora] ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve service name) 

This is error occured on a Windows 95 workstation connecting to an Oracle version 8 data source. 


This is a known problem connecting to an Oracle database and the solution was in the Oracle Knowledgebase. As of 6 August 2001, Oracle has changed their web site and no longer allows easy access to their Knowledge Base. 

Last Modified: 08/06/2001 Product: Visual PRO/5 Operating System: Windows Error Number: 12

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