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00821: How to set ODBC Driver logging levels without using the ODBC Administrator.


How to set ODBC Driver logging levels without using the ODBC Administrator.


Each of the options available in the ODBC Data Source setup window have associated registry keywords that can be used in programs when accessing data via the ODBC Driver. Most of these keywords are included in the Online documentation, however the logging levels are not. 

There are 3 logging levels: 

LoggingLevel=1: error messages only 
LoggingLevel=2: function calls only 
LoggingLevel=4: optimization hints only 

LoggingLevel=0: No Logging (the default) 

Multiple levels of logging are implemented by adding the above numbers together. For example, if you want to log error messages and optimization, you would use 
LoggingLevel=5 <— 1 AND 4 

If you want to log Function calls and Optimization, then it would be: 
LoggingLevel=6 <— 2 AND 4

Last Modified: 03/21/2000 Product: BASIS ODBC Driver Operating System: N/A

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