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00800: How to resolve FLEXlm Error -5 with 2 products using a License Manager


How to resolve FLEXlm Error -5 with 2 products using a License Manager


After installing the BASIS License Manager and PRO/5 on a UNIX system a FLEXlm Error = -5, 357 (No such feature exists) persists even though the logfile indicates the BLM started for the stated feature. 

For example: 
Feature: PRO5_DEV 
License Path: /u/otherapplication/license/license.dat 
FlexLM Error: -5, 357 


Other applications that use FLEXlm may be setting an environmental variable called LM_LICENSE_PATH that points to /u/otherapplication/license/license.dat. 

Under UNIX environmental variables, take precedence over pointer files so this variable will need to be modified to include the path to the BASIS.lic file along with the pointer to the license.dat file, separated by a colon. 

For example, a .profile might include the line 

        setenv LM_LICENSE_FILE /u/otherapplication/license/license.dat 

Modify this line to include /u/basis/pro5/BASIS.lic and a colon (:). The new line would be: 

setenv LM_LICENSE_FILE /u/basis/pro5/BASIS.lic : /u/otherapplication/license/license.dat 

Last Modified: 11/29/2000 Product: PRO/5 Operating System: UNIX

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