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00725: What the BASIS ODBC Driver 2.02 and Visual PRO/5 2.05 fix


What the BASIS ODBC Driver 2.02 and Visual PRO/5 2.05 fix


20 January 1999: 

ODBC Driver: 

. Indices on mkeyed files are better utilized, greatly improving the execution speed of some queries. 

. Simultaneous execution of SQL statements can now be accomplished. This enables multiple user access of web applications. 

. An intermittent problem with UPDATEs and DELETEs has been corrected. 

. Stopping and restarting the web browser during a query no longer causes a problem. 

Visual PRO/5 for Microsoft Windows NT and Novell has also been updated. 

. File I/O performance on a drive mapped to a Windows NT system has been improved. 

. Querying the contents of an INPUTE/INPUTN control that has a cue on a Windows NT system operates properly. 

Although not announced, the conversion utilities are also different and include a conversion program to move from Thoroughbred and Providex.

Last Modified: 03/30/2000 Product: BASIS ODBC Driver Operating System: Windows NT

BASIS structures five components of their technology into the BBx Generations.

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