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00331: fserr=61, fserr=-161 when connecting to a datasource via the ODBC Driver


fserr=61, fserr=-161 when connecting to a datasource via the ODBC Driver


1. This error will occur when there are spaces in the config.tpm file after the equals sign (=) 

DICTIONARY= /<kazoo,port=5150>/u/bbx/BBDICT/ 
DATA= /<kazoo,port=5150>/u/bbx/data/ 

2. This error can also occur if there isn’t a leading / in the path to either the DICTIONARY of DATA 

3. This error can also occur if the ‘Network User ID’ field in the datasource configuration Advanced section of the Windows ODBC Administrator is blank or incorrect. 

4. This error can also occur if the syntax is incorrect in the DICTIONARY= line of the config.tpm. 


1. Remove the extra spaces. 

2. Ensure there is a leading slash. 

3. Enter a valid User ID in the field. 

4. Ensure the syntax to use the Data Server is correct.

Last Modified: 08/28/1998 Product: BASIS ODBC Driver Operating System: WindowsError Number: 61 OS Error: 161

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