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00310: fserr=5, fserrs=-21 when connecting to a datasource via the ODBC Driver


fserr=5, fserrs=-21 when connecting to a datasource via the ODBC Driver


Possible causes include: 

1) There are spaces in the config.tpm file before the equals sign (=) 

DICTIONARY =/<server,port=5150>/u/bbx/BBDICT/ 
DATA =/<server,port=5150>/u/bbx/data/ 

2) The Data Dictionary definition in _ddedit.utl has the path to the Data files hard coded instead of using the (DATA) global. 

3) The DICTIONARY and DATA portions of the config.tpm file are not all caps: 
4) Incorrect or missing Network User ID: in the advanced options of the ODBC Administrator


1) Remove the extra spaces 
2) Use the (DATA) global 
3) Ensure that DATA and DICTIONARY are in upper case 
4) Enter the correct Network USER ID: in the Advanced options of the ODBC Administrator

Last Modified: 09/24/1998 Product: BASIS ODBC Driver Operating System: WindowsError Number: OS Error: 21

BASIS structures five components of their technology into the BBx Generations.

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