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00196: Running a BBx application as a daemon with I/O redirection under Unix


Running a BBx application as a daemon with I/O redirection under Unix


To run a BBx application as a daemon with I/O redirection, use the following: 

nohup bbx4 -m256 -q XYZ_runtime app_name < input_data > errlog_file 2>&1 & 

The ‘&’ at the end runs the application as a daemon and the ‘nohup’ allows the process to continue running after the parent process logs out. The input_data file must be a flat (i.e., “string”) file containing the answers to any prompts, one per line. 

Last Modified: 11/10/1998 Product: PRO/5 Operating System: Unix

BASIS structures five components of their technology into the BBx Generations.

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