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00174: GUI program that demonstrates the use of PLOTTEXT


GUI program that demonstrates the use of PLOTTEXT


The following program uses the PLOTTEXT mnemonic to print text on a window: 

0010 OPEN (1)”X0″ 
0020 PRINT (1)’WINDOW'(50,50,800,800,””,$01$) 
0030 PRINT (1)’TRACK'(0) 
0040 PRINT (1)’DRAWUNITS'(1) 
0050 PRINT (1)’WORLD'(0,0,8000,10540) 
0060 PRINT (1)’VIRTUAL'(0,0,8000,10540) 
0070 PRINT (1)’OPAQUE'(0) 
0080 FOR I=1 TO 7 
0090 PRINT (1)’FONT'(0,”Times New Roman”,I*2,16) 
0100 PRINT (1)’PLOTTEXT'(1000,I*1000,”This is text that has been plotted”) 
0110 NEXT I 
0120 ESCAPE 

Note that it uses the DRAWUNITS mnemonic in line 40 to set the coordinate system to thousands of an inch. The subsequent WORLD and VIRTUAL mnemonics are then set to a print area of 8 inches by 10.54 inches.

Last Modified: 01/29/1998 Product: Visual PRO/5 Operating System: Windows

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