Supported Versions: 15.xx, 16.xx, 17.xx, 18.xx, 19.xx

Installation Instructions

  1. Download the most recent BBjBootstrap.jar.
  2. Replace the current BBjBootstrap.jar located in the <bbj install dir>/lib directory with the new .jar file.
  3. Restart BBj Services.
  4. Replace the BBjBootstrap.jar referenced for Web Start and the Applet launches using the new .jar file.
  5. Restart the Web Server (if applicable).
Note: If the JVM you want to use does not appear in the listing below, send its name and version number to BASIS may be able to add it to a future release. Note: Only Oracle JVM’s are included in the BBj Bootstrap.

WARNING: Using Java 6 Update 29 with BBj versions earlier than 11.11 will result in SSL and secure connection failure. BBj 11.11 is required for use with Java 6 Update 29 due to changes in the Java SSL implementation.



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